Why it was a good choice to choose Ivy Academy
Sizwe Msimango
Sizwe Msimango matriculated at Ivy Academy in 2017. He is studying BSc IT at University of the Free State.
Prior to writing this article, I had just concluded a conversation with the chairperson of a students’ division of
which I am privileged to be a part. The crux of the dialogue was how an individual could bring about change for
the benefit of a collective. We also spoke about the significance of being recognised in school, the tertiary
institution and in the market field one is preparing to enter.
While conversing, what became relevant is how tertiary education differs from the high school institution. The
systems vary totally. To illustrate, in university, a student is required to take full responsibility for managing
academics. On the other hand, the high school system expects the student to yield to the constant spoon-
feeding. To the demands and expectations of tertiary education, I can attest from personal experience. Today I
find myself being able to manage and survive the system. This is where my being at Ivy Academy comes to play.
I attribute my ability to endure the tertiary system by having previously been enrolled in a system that prepared
me for such a system as this. Ivy Academy is a pioneer of independent learning. At Ivy Academy I learnt how to
take full accountability of my academics. At secondary level, I could already adjust to both the general class and
personal timetables. I would ensure that I did not miss class, that I always stayed on time, took notes in class,
respected everyone around me, took account and note of school calendar dates and stayed informed and up to
date with news and announcements. I also engaged in several successful projects without the school’s direct
support (the difference between your typical high school and the ‘independent learning pioneer’ is that the
pioneer gave me the platform). All these factors and many others endowed me with an ethos and a backbone to
enable me to thrive in university.
Being at tertiary level, I realize that I am solely and completely responsible for my academics: finding
information, setting up my timetable, managing my time, keeping track of my records and even ensuring that my
fees are paid accordingly. The responsibility is so great that if there were university students’ management
agents’ businesses – they would make billions annually. Moreover, I have identified a few avenues that could do
with change to some extent, and as the chairperson pointed out, I as a student can take the measures required
as long as I have the will and the drive, and most importantly, the plan.
After the discussion with the chairperson, I realized that I am from a system that equipped me with all that is
required to make collective impact wherever I am, and to stand out as a student in my field of study. It was the
realization brought about by the conversation that stirred up the will to write this article – why it was a good
choice to choose Ivy Academy.
So, that is one of the countless reasons why choosing Ivy Academy was a good choice.
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