
The job of looking for a job

For most of us, looking for a job takes as much time commitment effort and energy that it becomes a job in itself! Hopefully more of a short term one that results in obtaining something with long term prospects. So says Natalie Rabson of Boston City Campus and Business College.
“At Boston we like to groom students for this process, not only in terms of interview behaviours, but much more than that including the perseverance and discipline of a job search”, she says.
The process can be a long and challenging one and requires you to stay motivated, and put in effort! The information provided below will help guide you through the process; it’s up to you to find the job that suits you!
“The first thing to keep in mind,” says Rabson,” is that research shows that individuals who use multiple job search methods obtain a job faster than those who use only a few. So use every opportunity that comes your way whether it’s the Church noticeboard, a sign in a shop window, Facebook or linked-In.”

Natalie Rabson of Boston City Campus & Business College

Remember to keep a list of all the positions to which you’ve applied including the company and contact names. This is important so that if someone does contact you, you have the details on hand and know what the position entails and what you offered of yourself to the company!
Rabson says that at this time of year there are many job seekers networking. There are people who may have finally decided to make the change in their job, company or career. And there are students who need to earn an income to be able to buy necessities and pay for their study fees, who will look for part-time jobs. Luckily these needs can be met with the job opportunities out there. Look out for positions in community noticeboards such as tutoring for high school subjects, au pairing and homework with younger kids, or sales jobs.
*Update your resume and set up an appointment with the Institute for Career Planning to have it reviewed.
*Review cover letter samples with the Career Planning staff for guidance and feedback.
*Decide upon 3-4 references to list on your reference page and let these individuals know you are job hunting.
*Make sure you have a professional voice recording on the contact phone number that you’ve listed on your resume.
*Be sure any MySpace or Facebook profiles are entirely private to outside viewing and that there is nothing inappropriate written about you or by you, including photos!
*Be sure you have a professional/neutral email address to use. If you don’t, create a new one!
Where Can I Learn about Job Openings?
*If you are going to be studying at a University go to their Human Resource Department and look into any part time or even full time positions at the campus. Campuses often need extra assistance during peak registration times, as well as for special events, and they will also look for tutors and admin staff. Investigate these options!
*Networking with personal contacts, family friends/professionals, neighbours, etc.
*Tell everyone that you are in the market for a job.
*Volunteer at a company/organisation
*If you are studying under the umbrella body of a professional institute call them and find out about working at them or at one of their members.
*Join LinkedIn and other job sites.
*Use an internet search engine and type in keys words related to the type of position in which you are interested.
*Sign up online! Post your resume and request to receive job listings.
*If you see a position that interests you, respond promptly and read ads regularly.
*Community agencies.
Boston is currently open for study opportunities in a wide range of a careers including computers, law, marketing, business, accounting and much more. Go in today and register for a course that will set you on your ideal career path.
Visit www.boston.co.za or call the call centre 011 551 2000.

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