City Of Johannesburg

Region F service delivery tours resume

​The City of Johannesburg is hosting service delivery ward tours in Region F, encompassing the inner city, aiming to serve residents of Johannesburg to the best of its ability.
The purpose of these tours arranged by Region F Regional Director Ms. Irene Mafune, which consisted of officials from the regional office and various departments and entities, is to assist in speeding up service delivery, as well as the provision of feedback from the many service delivery meetings that have been held last year.
The areas covered in the tour included wards 58 – 67, 118 and 123. Wards 23, 54 – 57 and 124 – 125 shall be visited in the course of next week.
The COJ team attended the tour, and although some areas have drastically improved, they took note of the challenges currently faced by the inner-city community. We find that issues that have been dealt with by the City, tend to reappear again and again. This includes storm water drain blockages as a result of non-stop littering and the inconsistent use of rubbish bins by occupants of buildings in the inner city, which largely contributes to the dirty and the illegal dumping in public spaces.
We are faced with drivers not complying with bylaws by illegally parking on the streets and pavements, obstructing the flow of traffic. Some street traders are not demarcated spaces to trade, and leave pedestrians vulnerable to road traffic.
The destruction and vandalising of our important infrastructure puts strain on our limited resources. The City continuously has to repair the same infrastructure, instead of being able to focus on building new or upgrading current infrastructure.
Regardless of the challenges facing the region, commitment is shown by officials to resolve many of these issues that plague the Inner City.
The City is appealing to members of the public to assist the City in its quest to create a clean, healthy environment for everyone who lives in the inner city and the greater Johannesburg.
They will continue to take part in these ward tours as they assist in keeping track of issues on the ground. Being on the ground helps to find better solutions to address the challenges the City has historically been faced with.

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