Operation #BuyaMthetho to bring law and order in Johannesburg

The City of Johannesburg has indicated that, under the leadership of new JMPD Chief of Police, Mr David Tembe, supported by senior officials and by those from across all departments, the City will launch Operation #BuyaMthetho, a new mutli-departmental operation aimed at enforcing by-laws and bring back the rule of law to the City of Johannesburg.
Accordinng to the City of johannesburg Mayor, Cllr Herman Mashaba, operation #BuyaMthetho will be conducted on a daily basis, on a ward based “raid” initiative. “Operation #BuyaMthetho will be a joint operation between all key City departments and entities such as Disaster Management, Environmental Health, Social Development, Infrastructure Services, the City’s legal department, and Development Planning to name but a few,” said cllr Mashaba.
The City is in a bid to ensure city by-laws are adhered to, thus #OperationMthetho will affect all businesses and the community at large.
“The City, working with all state enforcement agencies, will not leave any stone unturned when dealing with criminal activities within our area of jurisdiction,” said Cllr Mashaba.
In a bid to bring back law and order, the City will not be deterred in dealing with landlords who neglect paying municipal bills, criminals that hijack buildings and those who breakdown communities by running illegal alcohol outlet.
“Operation Buya Mthetho aims to affirm the City’s commitments in ensuring that we stop the rot in our city and make it a prosperous and inclusive place for our people to live, work and play. I hope that the residents of Johannesburg will support our initiative and report crime and criminals to our authorities,” Cllr Mashaba concluded.

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