JMPD releases crime stats

A total of 800 motorists were arrested in November during crime-prevention operations by the City of Johannesburg’s Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD).
Releasing its monthly crime statistics on 18 December 2018, JMPD Chief David Tembe said the biggest lawbreakers in the City were people driving under the influence of alcohol.
​ Some of the key statistics are the recovery of 121 stolen or hijacked vehicles and 16 firearms. Across all of the City’s regions, driving under the influence, possession of a stolen vehicle and possession of or dealing in drugs were the biggest concerns.
The JMPD conducted over 500 operations, yielding 50 public drinking arrests, the discontinuation of 22 vehicles and over 100 arrests.
With regards to bad buildings, in coordination with the Group Forensic and Investigation Services (GFIS) JMPD raided 28 such buildings and arrested 40 undocumented persons in November.
Operations Buya Mthetho specifically saw to 5 896 enforcement of bylaws. These include the removal of illegal advertising, illegal dumping and illegal connections. A total of 312 raids were conducted under the ordinance of Operation Buya Mthetho.
Executive Mayor Herman Mashaba commended the City’s law enforcement agency. “In just two years, the JMPD has been part of law enforcement efforts that have uncovered and confiscated counterfeit goods with a street value of R250 million. A couple of weeks ago, JMPD officers confiscated almost R80 million worth of counterfeit goods from one building alone in the inner city. Millions more worth of goods were confiscated in other buildings, also in the inner city.”
“While this sterling work is pleasing, and believe me when I say I am absolutely proud of our officers, we must be concerned about the other counterfeit goods-producing factories that remain in operation across our City,” said Mayor Mashaba.
Residents can report illegal activities on the following numbers:
Anti-Corruption Hotline: 0800 203 712
JMPD Emergency number: 011 375 5911

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