
Black Label supports abuse victims

Johannesburg – Liquor brewing company Carling Black label has created a WhatsApp line to help and encourage victims of domestic abuse to speak up during the Covid-19 lockdown. 

  High volumes of domestic abuse have been noted during the lockdown period, as government does all it can to control the spread of the corona virus.

  The brewing company’s brand director Arné Rust said the brand wants to encourage victims to be brave and also give a helping hand through its #NoExcuse campaign.

 “This is a very concerning development, particularly as we do not know how many cases remain unreported. This WhatsApp line gives victims of abuse who could be men or women a way to get counselling silently. It also puts men who are struggling to be their inner champion in touch with a mentor, someone to talk to, so that they can start on the journey to be champion men. All of this can now happen silently,” Rust said.

  He explained that all victims have to do is send the word BRAVE to 0800 150 150 to get in touch with the right organisation to get the help they need.

  “We will also partner with other corporate entities, government departments as well as affiliates such as Takuwani Riime and the Men’s Sector, to grow awareness of the service and remove barriers to getting assistance. Whilst #NoExcuse has always encouraged victims to be brave and report immediately, there are other socio-economic problems that need to be considered,” Rust said.

  He added that the campaign has two phases. “The first phase is to raise awareness about the LifeLine number, as people should know there is help available to them. The second phase is to provide insight on the WhatsApp functionality and that help is only one Brave text away,” Rust said.

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